Moving to Costa Rica | Moving Company

Moving to Costa Rica | Emigrating to Costa Rica

Moving to Costa Rica: Costa Rica is a paradisaical country in Central America, which is also called the “Switzerland of Latin America”. This is partly due to the fact that the country is economically at a very good level, compared to other Latin American nations. This and many other aspects contribute to making Costa Rica a hugely popular country with expats from all over the world.

The country can boast outstanding landscapes, fascinating nature and extremely friendly, open and spirited people. Also, the relatively modest living costs, at least in comparison with Western Europe, help make the country so popular with expats.

To find your way around Costa Rica as quickly as possible, you should definitely have at least moderate language skills in Spanish. This not only facilitates social and professional life but also enables immigrants to immerse themselves faster and more intensively into the culture of this fascinating country.

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Cost of Living

Costa Rica is not called the “Switzerland of Latin America” ​​for nothing, as it is the most expensive country in the region. For example, it can be observed that the cost of living is now almost at the level of the United States of America.

However, domestic products, especially regional foods, tend to be much cheaper than in Western European countries. Nonetheless, in general, it can be said that food is even more expensive than, for example, Germany, which is partly because a lot of it has to be imported.

For Swiss people, on the other hand, expats in Costa Rica can expect that almost everything is considerably cheaper than in their home country. If they are receiving salaries at a level they are used to in Switzerland, they can expect to live an extremely luxurious, comfortable and satisfying life in Costa Rica.


Costa Rica has primarily a tropical climate, with some differences between the Pacific and Caribbean coasts. The Cordillera mountainous region can have very different climatic conditions depending on the time of year.

Costa Rica only experiences two seasons, the rainy season and the dry season. The rainy season takes place from May to November, whereby the dry season lasts from December to April.

You can expect significantly more rainfall on the Caribbean coast than you would on the Pacific coast, which experiences much more moderate conditions. Depending on preferences, people that would like to move to Costa Rica should inform themselves of the different climatic condition in the respective regions, before making the move.

Working in Costa Rica

Expats that want to work in Costa Rica need a permanent residency permit or a special permit from the immigration office, of which, only represents a work permit for a year.

The economy of Costa Rica can be described as relatively stable, which is mostly backed up by the tourism industry. For business expatriates, Costa Rica offers many great opportunities in various fields, especially in the craft sector, the tourism industry, as well as in the construction and agricultural sectors.

Also in the areas of media, IT, solar energy and energy technology, there are numerous jobs or business start-up opportunities to be found in Costa Rica.

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Health & Education System

The healthcare system in Costa Rica is exemplary, especially compared to other Latin American countries. Expats that permanently move to Costa Rica are required to register for a moderate monthly state health insurance package, which covers 80% of the cost of any medical treatment. Citizenship is not relevant in this regard.

In addition, many expatriates who relocate to Costa Rica often sign up for private health insurance as it gives them access to the best medical facilities in the country and, in many cases, covers all costs. However, those who would like to do without private health insurance are still in good hands in Costa Rica, which would certainly not apply to the majority of other Latin American countries.

The education system in Costa Rica is relatively high-quality, with some expats still relying on private educational institutions, which are also present in Costa Rica, at least in the larger cities. Compared to other Latin American countries, where the majority of expats enrol their offspring in private educational institutions, in Costa Rica many rely on state schools and universities, which also offer a good quality of education.

Would you like to leave your life behind in Switzerland and relocate to Costa Rica?

We at Kehrli + Oeler have already organised countless moves to this heavenly country in Central America, where we transport belongings quickly, professionally and completely to any address in Costa Rica. In order to achieve this goal, we work closely with our partner companies in Costa Rica, where together we ensure that you have the best possible experience with our service.

Of course, if you send us some photos after your successful move to Costa Rica, we will be happy to hear from you.

Kehrli + Oeler – your reliable relocation company when moving to Costa Rica.

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